@article{oai:ipnu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000040, author = {池田,瑠海,今井,咲希,岸,凜太朗,中嶋,知世,石川,倫子}, journal = {石川看護雑誌, Ishikawa Journal of Nursing}, month = {2024-03, 2024-07-01}, note = {本研究の目的は,コロナ禍における臨地実習で看護学生が患者とのコミュニケーションで感じた困 難と工夫を明らかにすることである.2020 年度の領域別実習後の看護学生を対象にWeb での無記名 自記式質問調査を行った.回収率は55/81 名(67.9%),有効回答は54 名であった.最も困難な項目 は「身体に触れることにより患者の注目を引き付ける」であった.臨地実習の経験回数が5 回群より も2 回群で困難を感じた項目は13 項目中12 項目であった.工夫は〔患者の意思・心理を理解するた めの工夫〕で【患者の言葉を聞き取る工夫】など7 カテゴリー,〔患者に看護学生の思いを伝えるた めの工夫〕で【看護学生の話し方の工夫】【目線や表情の工夫】など5 カテゴリーが抽出された.看 護学生は工夫をしながら,臨地実習を重ねて患者とのコミュニケーションに慣れることで,患者との コミュニケーションで感じる困難が少なくなることが示唆された., This study aims to elucidate the challenges that nursing students faced when communicating with patients during their practicum amid the COVID-19 pandemic and their efforts to overcome such difficulties. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted online targeting nursing students after their area-specific practicum in FY2020. The response rate was 55 out of 81 (67.9%), with 54 providing valid responses. Results showed that the most difficult item was “attracting the patient’s attention by touching them.” The group with only two practicum sessions felt difficulties in 12 out of 13 items compared to the group with five practicum sessions. The efforts made by nursing students to understand patients were classified under seven categories, such as “effort to understand the patientʼs intentions and psychology” and “effort to understand the patient’s words.” Similarly, efforts to convey the nursing student’s thoughts to patients were classified under five categories, including “efforts to improve the nursing students’ way of speaking” and “efforts to improve eye contact and facial expressions.” The results suggest that as nursing students repeatedly practice and become accustomed to making such efforts to communicate with patients, it becomes less difficult to communicate with patients.}, pages = {21--32}, title = {(原著論文)コロナ禍における臨地実習で看護学生が患者との コミュニケーションで感じた困難と工夫 -マスク着用とフィジカルディスタンスの影響から-}, volume = {21}, year = {} }