@article{oai:ipnu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000039, author = {嶋田,さくら,高畠,唯,日髙,未希恵}, journal = {石川看護雑誌, Ishikawa Journal of Nursing}, month = {2024-03, 2024-07-01}, note = {石川県内の特別養護老人ホームにおける新型コロナウイルス感染症流行以降の面会制限の状況と看 護師の看取りケアに対する認識を明らかにすることを目的とした.特別養護老人ホームで従事する常 勤看護師を対象に,無記名式質問紙調査を実施し,99 部(35%)の有効回答を得た.約8 割の者が面 会制限を実施していると回答し,「看取りに関する意思確認ができている」と認識している者は,入 居者に対して28.3%,家族に対して75.7%であった.また, 面会制限なし群は,あり群に比べ「家族 の希望する看取りの実現ができている」と認識する者の割合が有意に増加した(p=0.049).With コロ ナ時代における特別養護老人ホームの看取りケアの在り方として,本人や家族の意思や希望を入居時 から定期的に確認し共有する組織的な関わりが必要であり,面会制限の状況下でも家族と施設間でコ ミュニケーションを図り,繋がりを育むことが看取りケアの備えとして重要であることが示唆された., This study aimed to clarify the status of visitation restrictions at long-term care settings in Ishikawa Prefecture since the COVID-19 pandemic and gauge nurses’ awareness of end-of-life care. We conducted an anonymous questionnaire survey targeting full-time nurses and collected data on nurses’ demographic characteristics, visitation restrictions at long-term care settings, and nurses’ awareness of end-of-life care. Valid responses were obtained from 99 participants (valid response rate, 35%). Approximately 80% of the participants reported the implementation of visitation restrictions at the time of the survey. Furthermore, 28.3% of participants reported the ability to confirm the wishes regarding end-of-life care to residents and 75.7% to family members. Additionally, participants who recognized that they were able to support end-of-life care regarding family members increased significantly among the participants who reported no visitation restrictions than compared to those with visitation restrictions (p=0.049). The findings highlight the importance—particularly in settings with visitation restrictions—of regularly confirming and sharing the will and wishes of the residents and their family members regarding end-of-life care in long-term care settings from the time of admission. Our findings also suggest that promoting communication and connections between resident’s family members and facilities is crucial in preparing for end-of-life care scenarios.}, pages = {11--20}, title = {(原著論文)石川県における新型コロナウイルス感染症流行以降の 特別養護老人ホームでの面会制限の状況と看護師の 看取りケアに対する認識}, volume = {21}, year = {} }