@article{oai:ipnu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000038, author = {髙畠,唯,嶋田,さくら,日髙,未希恵}, journal = {石川看護雑誌, Ishikawa Journal of Nursing}, month = {2024-03, 2024-07-01}, note = {本研究は石川県において長年,在宅で最期を迎えた人の割合が高い内灘町において,在宅看取りに 関連する住民の認識とその地域特性を明らかにすることを目的とした.いきいきサロン参加者とボラ ンティア団体所属者の内灘町住民を調査対象とし,無記名式質問紙調査を実施した.統計解析には, 因子分析とt- 検定を用いた.その結果,130 部の有効な回答が得られ(有効回答率:61.9%),在宅看 取りに対する住民の認識として,『住民・家族の結びつき』,『家庭での安心できる療養環境』,『本人 の希望を家族が支える』など7因子が抽出された.また,独居の者,看取り経験者が周りにいる者, 最後を迎える場所が自宅を希望する者,および女性は,在宅看取りに関する意識が高い傾向にあるこ とが示唆された.これらの人々の考え方を地域で共有することにより,住民の在宅看取りに対する意 識が高まり,そのことが内灘町の在宅看取りを可能にする要素となりうる可能性がある., This study aims to examine the resident awareness regarding end-of-life care at home and the regional characteristics of Uchinada Town. Uchinada Town is one of the areas with the highest proportion of deaths occurring at home in Ishikawa Prefecture for a long time. An anonymous selfadministered questionnaire survey was given to IKIIKI Salon participants and members of volunteer groups in Uchinada Town on resident awareness scale regarding end-of-life care at home and demographic characteristics. We used factor analysis and student’s t-test for statistical analysis. Valid responses were obtained from 130 subjects (valid response rate: 61.9%). The results revealed that resident awareness regarding end-of-life care at home were identified as seven factors, including “Family members support the person’s wishes”, “Bonds between residents and families” and “Safe recuperation environment at home” and so on. It was also found that living alone, people who have experienced end-of-life care, people who wishes die at home and women tend to have awareness regarding end-of-life care at home. These results suggest that sharing the ideas of these people in the community may raise resident awareness about end- of-life care at home in Uchinada Town.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {(原著論文)在宅看取りに関連する住民の認識 -石川県内灘町を対象として-}, volume = {21}, year = {} }